The Council is delighted to announce that it has commissioned the poet Kayo Chingonyi to help the Council explore ideas about naturalness in bioethics debates. The Council worked in collaboration with Apples and Snakes, England’s leading organisation for performance poetry, to award the commission.

[caption id="attachment_10947" align="alignnone" width="219"]Kayo Chingonyi Image credit: Naomi Woddis[/caption]

Find out more about Kayo at:

Kayo will be working on his first poems on naturalness over the next few months, and these will be published in the early autumn to coincide with the launch of a poetry competition. The competition, another collaboration between the Council and Apples and Snakes, will invite poets to submit their own pieces of work that explore the concept of naturalness. The competition will be open until the end of October and the winning entries will be performed alongside Kayo’s work at an event in London towards the end of the year. Further details about the competition will be announced soon.

When people describe areas of science, technology or medicine as natural or unnatural, often they are making claims about it being good or bad, or right or wrong. Complex ideas often underlie these uses of the concept of naturalness. Alongside our other evidence gathering activities, we will now be gaining insight from poets as we explore these ideas, as well as using poetry to encourage a wider audience to engage in the debate.

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Find out more about our collaboration with Apples and Snakes

Apples and snakes logo

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