Stem cell-based embryo models

Current Project

Rapid review

A rapid review project exploring the ethical and regulatory issues raised by research using human stem cell-based embryo models.

Human embryo culture

We are conducting a rapid review project to assess and advise on the ethical and regulatory issues raised by research using human stem cell-based embryo models.

This work forms part of our Reproduction, Parenthood and Families focus areas which we identified as a priority in our new strategy 'Making ethics matter'.

The questions we are exploring include:

  • Do these models raise specific ethical considerations and could they merit the requirement for special protections?
  • Are current UK governance mechanisms suitable and sufficient?
  • How might these governance mechanisms need to evolve as science advances and embryo models become more sophisticated?

We intend to provide robust, actionable recommendations for decision makers working in this area by the end of 2024.

This project is being overseen by an expert working group, Chaired by Emma Cave, Professor of Healthcare Law at the University of Durham.

Project Team

Ran Svenning Berg

Research and Policy Manager

Ranveig joined the NCOB in 2012 and leads the research and policy work in our Reproduction, Parenthood and Families priority area.

She has previously held communications and researcher roles at the NCOB, managing short projects on topics including surrogacy law reform, vaccine uptake and access, medical implants, experimental treatments, and AI in healthcare and research. Before that, Ranveig worked in communications for charities focussed on gun violence prevention and human rights.


Allison Milbrath

Researcher, Bioethics and Policy

Allison joined the NCOB in March 2023 to support our independent review on disagreements in the care of critically ill children. She now works on and is involved in the project development, research and stakeholder engagement of our Reproduction, Parenthood and Families priority area.

Prior to joining us, Allison worked in public health, most recently as a contact tracer/case investigator in the California Bay Area under the US Centres for Disease Control rapid COVID-19 response.
