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Research using neural organoids

Assessing and advising on the ethical and regulatory issues raised by research using neural organoids.

Organoids are small, lab-grown three-dimensional structures that are made from stem cells to model different aspects of an organ or tissue. Neural organoids are used to model different aspects of the developing brain.

In March 2024 we published a briefing note offering an evidence-based and balanced summary of the main ethical considerations in neural organoid research and the ethical issues that might arise in the future.

Call for evidence (closed)

From July – September 2024 we ran a call for evidence seeking expert opinion on the three key areas where we believe further ethical guidance is needed:

This call for evidence is now closed, but if you would like to contribute to the project we would be pleased to hear from you, please contact Claudia Corradi.

We intend to publish our recommendations on neural organoid research by Spring 2025, seeking to guide policymakers and all who carry out, fund and govern this research.