Report12th August 2006

The Nuffield Council on Bioethics’ first report, Genetic screening: ethical issues, was published in 1993. In 2006, we published this supplement which summarises the scientific, technological, and policy-related developments that have taken place in the 13 since the publication of our first report.
Developments include:
- major advances in science and technology in the field of genetics;
- consideration by government of the implications of developments in genetics for policy;
- establishment of the UK National Screening Committee and the Human Genetics Commission (HGC);
- discussion of how to introduce new programmes for genetic screening for the population;
- growth of genetics services to patients and families, in the UK and elsewhere;
- publication of the Government’s White Paper on Genetics in 2003; and
- monitoring of ethical and social issues relating to insurance and employment by the HGC and other bodies.