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Exploring public views on assisted dying

Investigating public views on assisted dying in England and the social, ethical, and practical considerations that people consider important in forming their views.

Assisted dying is a complex, sensitive and ethically charged topic. With this work we aim to provide robust and in-depth insights into public views that can help assist decision makers and help in informing the national conversation on assisted dying.

We have commissioned Hopkins Van Mil, working with M.E.L Research and the Sortition Foundation to design, facilitate, and organise a series of surveys and a Citizens’ Jury to unpack people’s perspectives on assisted dying and the associated social, ethical, and practical considerations that underpin them.

This project is being overseen by an Advisory Board. The project team is also being supported by a Content Group. The project is funded by a grant from the AB Charitable Trust.

Whilst assisted dying is currently not permitted in England, a Bill seeking to legalise assisted dying for terminally ill adults is currently before UK Parliament.

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