This report provides an overview of the science, ethics and regulatory landscape surrounding research involving human stem cell-based embryo models (SCBEMs).
SCBEM is an umbrella term for a range of structures created from stem cells which
resemble or replicate aspects of embryonic development. These stem cells are
derived either from embryos (embryonic stem cells – ESCs) or through the
reprogramming of cells from other human tissue such as skin or blood cells (induced pluripotent stem cells – iPSCs).
As a research tool, SCBEMs have the potential to bring public benefit through new insights around early human development. However, there is debate about their status – for example in relation to human embryos – and how they should be used.
Our recommendations offer a useful resource to policymakers, scientists and research funders navigating this fast-moving area of scientific research.
This report shares the findings of our rapid review undertaken in 2024, overseen by an expert working group.