The Nuffield Council on Bioethics (NCOB) is inviting healthcare professionals and others with professional experience of disagreements about the care of critically ill children to respond to a survey that will inform an independent review of such disagreements in England.

The review, commissioned by the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, is looking at the causes of disagreements between parents/carers of a critically ill child and the healthcare teams responsible for the provision of care or medical treatment for the child; assessing how these disagreements can be avoided, and how their resolution might be handled more sensitively and collaboratively. 

The evidence that we hear through this survey from those with personal or professional experience will help us to ensure that our work is robust and meaningful, and that any recommendations that result from the inquiry are practical and achievable. This survey is one of a number of research and evidence gathering activities we are running during spring and summer 2023, including a previous call for evidence. We want to ensure that everyone who would like to contribute to this review has the opportunity to do so.

If you would like to contribute, please complete the surveys here, which will now be live until midday, Thursday 29 June 2023.

For any questions about this survey, taking part in other research activities, or further information on this work, please contact the team at
