The findings of the Council’s report on the ethical issues of involving children and young people in clinical research have been translated into Spanish, and are available online from today.

The summary and conclusions document and the illustrated magazine have been generously translated into Spanish by the Víctor Grífols i Lucas Foundation, a bioethics organisation based in Spain.

The documents will be launched at a joint seminar held Friday 12 June in Barcelona, where members of the Working Party and Secretariat, including Bobbie Farsides, Mark Sheehan, Katharine Wright and Kate Harvey, will present the findings of the report, and the Council’s Youth-REC project. A monograph of the discussion will be published in English and Spanish in the coming weeks.

While the UK is the primary focus of the Council’s report, the project also drew on considerable international evidence, including professional input from South East Asia, Africa and Latin America, and detailed community discussion and engagement with school children in Kenya. Find out more about the evidence gathering for this project.

As well as concrete recommendations for researchers, policy makers, research ethics committees and others in the UK, the Council’s report includes conceptual recommendations regarding the roles and responsibilities of children, young people and their parents; our understanding of welfare and vulnerability; professional virtues; the role of ethical scrutiny; decision-making and the prioritisation of research.

The seminar will bring together thirty UK and Spanish experts to discuss the findings of the report and how the issues resonate in a Spanish context.

In addition to its work with Grifols Foundation, the Council collaborates with numerous international bioethics organisations, including the annual trilateral meeting with the German and French National Bioethics Commissions, and regular meetings with other international bioethics advisory bodies to discuss topics of mutual interest and share best practice. Find out more about the Council’s international activities.

Previous Council reports that have been translated into languages other than English include the Council’s 2002 report The ethics of research related to healthcare in developing countries which was translated into Spanish and French.