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Neurotechnology in healthcare

Investigating the ethics of neurotechnologies that intervene in the brain.

More than a decade has passed since our 2013 report on novel neurotechnologies, where we set out possible benefits and unintended consequences of intervening in the brain.

Amidst great advances in technology we are now revisiting this area and reviewing how the landscape of neurotechnology use in healthcare has moved on.

We aim to reassess the ethical considerations at play and provide updated recommendations for those involved in the development, regulation, use and promotion of neurotechnologies.

Call for evidence

Our call for evidence closed on 17 February 2025. We sought expert opinions on a range of questions including the impacts that surgical implants, prostheses or devices in the can have for people and the current policies and guidance for healthcare professionals prescribing or implanting neurotechnologies.

We are now carefully considering and analysing the responses to the call for evidence. A summary of insights will be published on our website, and the themes and issues identified will inform future stages of our work on neurotechnology.

Literature review

To inform this project we commissioned a literature review to scope the key changes in the wider neurotech landscape since our 2013 report.